Museum Communication Programs

Museum communication program "To You, Descendant, as a Good Gift ..." on the topic "Construction of Mir Castle Through the Architect’s Eyes in the Early 16th Century" is realized in the Mir Castle Complex Museum, namely in the halls of the South-west tower and the castle courtyard.

Children describe Mir Castle at the class, get an initial idea of the profession of an architect, and find out when and why the idea to construct a stone building appeared.

The main stages of the castle construction "rise" before the eyes of the participants during the role-play game. The image of an architect of the early 16th century is created through the dialogue between the “assistants” and the “Chief Master”, as well as through his behavior, gestures, change of intonation.

At the museum class, children gain research experience by "examining" the basic building material and by identifying the architectural features of the towers. Young participants are also given the opportunity to "draw" the image of the owner of the castle – Yuri Ilyinich, Marshal of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.

The class is intended for children of secondary school age and family groups. It is held from April till October (including). The number of participants is up to 12 people in the group. The duration of the class is 70 minutes.

Ordering the class and entrance tickets for it by appointment – Ph.: +375159636232, +375159636290.

Class cost – 20.00 BYN.

Museum communication program "From the Bottom of My Heart the Best Treat!" on the topic "A Festive Dish for the Prince According to an Old Recipe" is implemented in the Mir Castle Complex Museum, namely in the reconstructed premises "Kitchen Hut", "Pantry ", "Seni", "Dining Room".

Children examine the reconstructed kitchen facilities in the castle and plunge into the past at the museum class. Investigating the recipe for a "festive dish" for the prince, they carry out practical tasks: they grind spices in a mortar, measure the required amount of products according to the recipe, and recall the smell of spices. From time to time, children become participants in the games: "sea voyage", "come up with a dish decoration", "give praise".

The program is addressed to children of secondary school age (group up to 12 people). The duration of the class is 70 minutes.

Ordering the class and entrance tickets for it by appointment – Ph.: +375159636232, +375159636290.

Class cost – 20.00 BYN.

Museum and pedagogical program "Rococo Fashion Whims" on the topic "Features of Women's Dress of the 18th Century" is implemented in the Mir Castle Complex Museum, namely in the exhibition halls of the Northern Building (second floor).

A museum teacher in a historical dress meets the participants of the class and talks about what "fashion" is, what fashionable clothes were worn by women in the 18th century, what parts the dress consisted of and what items complemented the female dress. During the class, children try on details of clothing, get acquainted with the "language of the fan", and learn how fashion spread in the 18th century. Everyone receives tasks and a sketch of a women's dress at the end of the class.

The program is addressed to children of secondary school age (group up to 12 people), the duration is 70 minutes.

Ordering the class and entrance tickets for it by appointment – Ph.: +375159636232, +375159636290.

Class cost – 20.00 BYN.

Schoolchildren in grades 5–7 are offered a museum communication class "In Defense of our Land" on the topic "Organization of the Troops and Military Affairs of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in the 16th century".

During the museum class, children learn about the composition of the troops of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, as well as about the positions: hetman and standard-bearer. They talk about the importance of the banner, get acquainted with various types of protective weapons and armor.

Children form combat units using images at the class. They imagine themselves in the role of warriors of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, create a combat unit – a banner (cavalry), learn to put on armor and hold a sword and a shield, determine the difference of fluting armor from the usual one.

The museum class is designed for a group of up to 12 people. Its duration is 70 minutes.

Ordering the class and entrance tickets for it by appointment – Ph.: +375159636232, +375159636290.

Class cost – 20.00 BYN.

Museum communication program "Secrets of Tiles" on the topic "Box-shaped Tile Stoves of the 16th–17th centuries in the Prince Radziwills’ Palace" is implemented in the Mir Castle Complex Museum, namely in the reconstructed halls "Seni" and "Kitchen Hut".

During the class, children examine artifacts from the 16th–17th centuries – fragments of a box-shaped stove tile found during the archaeological excavations in Mir Castle. They determine its material, shape, colour, and the main parts it consisted of. Children are directly involved in the process of creation of reduced copies of the face plates of wall, belt, cornice, crown and heraldic tiles. They learn how to decorate it and practice painting its faceplates, unravel the meaning inherent in decorative relief and colour. Imagining themselves as stove-makers, they come up with a new shape of the stove and assemble their own set of stove tiles.

The program is addressed to children of secondary school age (group up to 10 people). The duration of the class is 70 minutes.

Ordering the class and entrance tickets for it by appointment – Ph.: +375159636232, +375159636290.

Class cost – 30.00 BYN.

When ordering a package of museum classes "Museum for Children", which includes the programs "The Best Treat from All My Heart!", "Rococo Fashion Whims", and "In Defense of Our Land" for three groups with a total of no more than 45 participants, the cost is 55.00 BYN.